This is my second attempt at a blog entry today. I'm guessing the faeries didn't like the first one, so they made it disappear. They are so friendly like that. So I'm changing my tack a bit.
I was originally writing about birthday wishes and what not. But the reality is, I want my own faerygodmother. Yes, yes, it is probably against the rules...that whole being a faerygodmother myself. But, hey, rules are made to be broken (just not by any of my godchildren...they tend to play with space, time and whatnot). So I want a faerygodmother.
I am willing to be fair about this. I know I'd never do well with one of the FGM such as Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty had. I'm just not damsel in distress, be saved by a handsome (but dim...really) prince. I'm more likely to get along with the so-called "bad" faery from Sleeping Beauty (see above...please note the raven...just saying). Even as a child, she was my favorite.
Think about it, wouldn't you be ticked off if you were the only one NOT invited? Silly people should have just invited her. She probably wouldn't have gone...it wouldn't have been that good of a party after all. She was just making a point. Faerygodmothers should always be respected, even if you don't agree with them or their methods. And honestly, would Sleeping Beauty really have been the person she became if it hadn't been for the "bad" faery? I don't think so.
So I'd be very happy with her as a FGM. I don't mind working for what I want. It's just nice to know you have someone in your corner, giving little pointers here and there, untangling snags on occasion. Not to mention, she does know how to make an entrance. I could do alot worse.