The plan last night was to right something witty about the ducks for today's blog. I had just found out last I got a job teaching a college Ecology course (yay me!) so my mood was very happy (and I'm always witty...right?). However, other circumstances waylaid the plan. Today was stressful enough that I went for a run when I got home...something I haven't done in months. It was that, eat what was left of the cake and ice cream in the house or throw a major tantrum. Figured the run would be the lesser of the evils... besides the sweets would still be there when I got back and tantrums are always an option if nothing else succeeds.
The run helped though I still wasn't in the mood to write. But I figured, what the hell...I'll try it anyway. This blog may not have the zip and zing I had planned, but I think the message is still important. To proceed, you have to have your ducks in a row. Of course in life, ducks don't usually stay in the row...so it is an ongoing process. You get one thing set and all the others move around causing chaos and mayhem (they are very cute and fuzzy and they DO cause a hell of a lot of trouble). So you have to keep putting them back in the row...and that is ok. Cause my ducks are all lined up above and they look like they are ready to dance!
Time to herd ducks!
It's easier to herd cats....or teenagers...trust me on this!
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