I've been away from the blog for awhile. Spring was full of getting the garden ready and working different part time jobs...seemingly here, there and everywhere, and new babies...Torence in April and Addison in May. Before I knew it, spring had slipped into summer. Now it is almost time for school to start and autumn to start to peak through.
For most of that time, things have been okay. Not spectacular, but at least okay. I've been going along working all the jobs, looking for something full time, trying to do at least some fun things too. Lately it seems that things aren't going as well. I am increasingly frustrated with how things are going...or not, as the case may be. Frustration is never a good feel. For me, it tends to increase my anxiety level. And that leads down a path I do not want to follow.
So in an attempt to deal with both the frustrations and the anxiety, I've come back to my creative outlets...I spent last night drawing and I've pulled this blog out and dusted off the cobwebs. Both were a struggle. Maybe it will get easier, maybe not. All I can do is try and pray that it helps.
Welcome back to my daily check-in! Hooray!
Welcome back!
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