Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A lab, a snow day and other random thoughts

Okay, so it's after 10pm. I should go to bed so I can be bright, witty and on it for class tomorrow. Instead, I'm sitting up with a cup of tea writing this blog. Who needs to be witty anyways? I'll just wow them with my good looks.

Mainly I'm up writing because I'm not really tired. I had a snow day today, so I was home. I laid down for a minute to regroup before taking a shower and doing the ton and a half of homework I've got. That was the plan at 10am. I didn't plan to fall asleep. Four hours later....well you get the picture.

Jet was very good during my unexpected nap. It could be she was in her crate. For those of you who haven't met Jet in person, she is the Black Lab puppy my roomate and I adopted last August. When we got her, she was 9 months old and had no social skills (I won't go into the reasons why, I'll just get irritated). We've had her for 6 months now. She is much improved but she still has...issues, we'll say. We now have to crate her in the house because she ate too many holes in her chain link fence. We can't leave her running loose when we're not home. She has a little anxiety issue about that. The result is she'll eat something... a shoe, a wall, etc. She'd try for one of the cats, but she knows she'd loose that fight. She also has some strange fascination with snow. Sick but true, she likes to play in it almost as much as she likes to play in water.

Needless to say, everytime she went out today, it turned into a game of diving head first into the snow. She literally will swim in the stuff. She was in a very playful mood. These moods usually correspond with my attmepts to do homework. Nothing like trying to type a paper when you have a 60lb lab jumping on you because she wants you to throw her ball (Yes, we play ball in the house...what can I say, I was one of THOSE kids). Which of course explains why I'm up at this hour having just finished tonight's homework.

Luckily for her, she really is cute. She's just a little "special" as we like to say. She also snores...I can hear her all the way downstairs.


Rowan said...

Are you talking about our Jet, noooooo way....I don't believe it, hehehehehehehe

LFSAlden said...

Look at Me, Auntie Star, Look at Me! I'm swimming, I'm swimming, I'm swimming in the really fluffy white water! Aren't I clever?