Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mark this date on the calendar

It is supposed to snow tonight! In special deference to my buddy Dryad I'm happy to welcome the snow. Really... Aren't I a good friend?

Okay, I'm actually hoping for the snow so I don't have to go to class tomorrow. I'm tired and I haven't studied for my New England Flora test. There are no brain cells capable of retaining Latin. I want to stay curled up in bed with a mug of tea and read a book. So the more snow the better.

Bet you NEVER thought you'd hear ME say that.


Carla Emmons said...

*giggle* Yes, be one with your inner child! Hope for the snow day! I will do a snow dance for you!

Rowan said...

ok, you have really lost i'm not sure what it is, but you've lost it.....

save this date 8/8/08, check your e-mail,,,

LFSAlden said...

Whee! It's the big puffy, fluffy kind of snow, too. This is *good* for you!