Monday, September 14, 2009

Simple Blessings

For the past few months, I've been praying for some kind of guidance. With everything going on, I wanted to know what to do. Mainly because if I'm doing something (okay lots of things at the same time) I feel I have some control over the chaos. I know, I know, I should know better after all this time. I do. I merely forget sometimes. And it takes the proverbial smack upside the head to smarten me up again.

Maybe I'm getting wiser as I get older, (shut up Rowan). It may be all the prayers others have been saying for me lately (thank you by the way)finally got through. I actually got the message this time without getting hit in the head,literally or figuratively. ( The first person who marks this date on the calendar is in BIG trouble). Basically, things are arranged right now so I cannot DO anything.

Not that I get to sit around doing nothing. I'm accepting certain, okay a lot, of things are beyond my control. ( I heard that snickering you know) I'm still job searching, and I do have certain obligations to my loved ones. But right now, I can rest in simple things I don't usually have much time writing my blog, my art work, making bread (good time to visit Nia), getting outside, and so on. I have the opportunity to cultivate some quietude and serenity amidst all the craziness going on in the rest of the world. And for once, I'm okay with it.

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

I'm right there with you with the things that are just outside our control. It is a blessing, in some ways - it's just not our fault if stuff is funky right now. Learning to just accept that is another matter...