I'm frustrated more than anything. I've made efforts to move things along, cause this isn't where I want my life to be at this point. It's just nothing seems to have come to sprout yet. (Can you tell I'm planning the house garden?) And I can't seem to get out of my own way lately. Add to that I'm having to let go of yet more things that have given my life predictability the past few years, and I'm getting bored. It feels like a mess.
I know I have to keep at it and continue to be patient (come on already, this is as good as I'm likely to get at it), have faith (yes Dad, got the message) and not do anything stupid in the meantime. I guess I'm tired of feeling so lousy about all of it. Sort of like my poor, pathetic puppy (see picture above) when she waiting the go ahead to eat her dinner. Jet is about as patient as I am...
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