So here I am, on a Monday night, happily working on a very witty blog entry. You'll have to take my word for it. Sadly, while adding a bit here and there, my computers decided to change into overwrite mode all by itself. Needless to say, large portions of my draft were eaten.
I would say the whole day has been like this...but it goes beyond that. Life in general has been one step forward and two off into some other dimensional direction not known to this reality. I really do not know if I am coming or going, let alone where I am supposed to be. I'm trying to be patient, I'm even praying for patience (and yes, this is a sign of an upcoming Apocalypse). I'm even praying for fortitude...just let me get through THIS too.
Of course at the same time, I'm swearing at myself for not saving it as a draft sooner and at the computer for it's possessed nature (yes, I know, what should I expect?) and for my somewhat damaged "k" and "," keys (that one is Echo's fault...don't ask...just never let a Pitbull run across your keyboard). I'm so frustrated with everything I could just scream (even chocolate and coffee aren't helping). I know if won't help. So instead, I will continue to go for runs (however short) and go back to seeing Betsy and all the other things I need to do. And I will continue to pray for patience and fortitude...and that Mercury doesn't stay retrograde for long.
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