Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A little woohoo!

I just arrived safely home from my Rolling Thunder chapter meeting. After two plus hours of driving through fog....lots and lots of heavy fog (let's just say someone is in trouble for that one), then torrential downpours, thunder and lightening and then surprise...more fog. (You know who you are...I expect chocolate).

Anyhoo...the little woohoo? I got my boot patch and my first cookie. Yay me! Of course, now I have to get a leather vest. I'd get a jacket, but it will be too hot to wear in DC for the RT events over Memorial Day.

I'm off to sleep (I hope). Up early again tomorrow. Is is July 2009 yet?

1 comment:

LFSAlden said...

OK, I'll take responsibility for the fog, but you were *supposed to be home* by 9:30. Anything that happened after that you were supposed to miss!

Yay! For cookies and patches!

Chocolate will be here when I see you next...