One reason is nothing ever goes according to plan in my life. I make plans and the gods laugh...and then turn everything upside down. So I don't really bother making hard and fast plans. But now I'm wondering if there isn't something more to all of this...
If I'm honest, I have a phobia about the future. Mainly I don't trust it. Why plan if things are going to turn out completely different any how? So I have avoided really thinking about it. In doing so, have I let myself down. Have I stopped going after what I really want because I'm convinced it won't work out if I put the intent out there? If so, how do I stop not planning for the future? (Yes, I know how weird that sounds) How do I come up with the courage to go after what I want, to take those risks?
I really don't like this about myself. So it has to change.
We're listening.
I love that clock, and I want to watch it and figure out how to read it.
I came to peace, a few years back, with the fact that I cannot predict my life five years out, let alone ten. In fact, three is kind of a stretch.
I think the best I can do is try to adhere to principle, and figure out which direction I want to be headed in, without being fixated on the success of reaching exact goals. This is much more difficult to do than to say.
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