Monday, January 31, 2011

Random Bits

It is late Monday night. I should be in bed. Instead I am waiting for the bread to rise while I work on prepping classes...and writing in my blog. It's been a rough day. Dealing with glitches caused by life and a slightly misfiring brain is taking a good deal of my energy. It seems everything takes longer and requires more effort right now...mainly because of the misfiring brain.
I am doing what I can...hoping it will pass in time. Preferrably a short amount of time. I have too much to do as it is...the timing of this is just inconvenient. And I am aware that much of it is beyond my control. It does make me realize I need to greatly simplify my life. Now if only I knen how to do that! In the meantime, I will finish my tea, go place the bread in the oven, feed the dragon and continue to work away while my brain is behaving.
And, shhh, don't tell anyone, I'm hoping for at least one snow day so I can have some quiet winter rest. (And no that doesn't mean I summoned the snow...) Here's wishing all some quiet, peaceful moments.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winter Darkness

Despite my best efforts, the yearly dark period I go through is back. It is still manageable. I feel exhausted most of the time. I have alot to do and little energy to do it. I just want to sleep. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be helping.
I have been able to keep eating well. Things that have to get done are. The nightmares have eased up some, likely due to the 90lb Black Lab sleeping on me every night. So that is something to be grateful for. Since it isn't getting better, I have to prepare for the possibility it will get worse. Especially since things will be very busy for the next bit of time.
The plan is to keep eating healthy, try to get outside more and make sure I have lists of what needs to be done. That should cover the basics. In the meantime, I'm going to ask friends to come visit...I'd visit them but transportation is an issue at the moment. The goal is to get to turn this darkness around.
Even though it is still winter, there are signs of spring...even in the darkness, there is starlight.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!

Here is a belated Happy New Year's to all. And a happy end to this snow day. Jet was very happy to see all the fresh snow. She'll have plenty to play in for a few days. I'm enjoying the winter this year...for now at least. I'm sure I'll be ready for spring once my seed catalogs start arriving.
I've had a fairly good fall and early winter, despite the challenges. Trying to stay positive and keep trudging away at things. Enjoying all the babies and toddlers in my life, as well as my other kids. The depression has been largely held at bay with meds, vitamins and other positive stuff. I was hoping the balance would maintain through to spring when things should balance out in life a little more.
Okay, to be honest, I wanted to stay balanced and positive through the Dark Month ie February. Guess it is going to be more difficult than I thought. My nightmares that come this time of year are back, pretty much as scheduled. I could handle those. It's the waking up at 3 in the morning that is throwing me off. Sleep is necessary for my brain to work decently.
In hopes of getting through past February 18th, I've cut way back on my coffee, I'm making an effort to eat decently, drinking Tension Tamer tea at night, and I'm going to cram in as much work as I can right now in case things do turn worse and my cognitive issues rear their head. I'm trying not to white knuckle it this year. My goal is to get through it as gently as possible while being prepared to respond quickly if I can't. Figure keeping my fingers crossed can't help.
So here is to a good night sleep and a happy brain. And maybe some more snow.