My roomie has a twisted love for the Wizard of Oz. I don't understand it...I run away screaming any time the movie is playing. I have also banished the Wizard of Oz calendar from the kitchen for all time (a double edged sword kind of victory...it's gone and instead I have to put up with the True Blood calendar...sigh). Yet, it still seeps into little corners of my life. For instance, we have our very own Cowardly Lion...or in our case, a Cowardly K9 (Please note, he is not MY dog).
I've written about Echo before. Generally when I talk about him it goes something along the lines of "It is a good thing he's cute...because he is dumb as a stump". Sadly, he is also the biggest wuss I have ever seen in the dog world. His latest stunt occurred this weekend. He normally does not like the vacuum cleaner. It is his norm to run away from it, occasionally turning around to face it while barking (as if to show how truly brave he is). I can understand that. Of course the fact that he now runs away then jumps in the bathtub to hide from it. That does seem a little extreme. But wait, even better...apparently he is also afraid of the ladder I'm using while working on the ceilings upstairs.
Echo's latest run in with the monstrous ladder involved running, barking and hiding in the tub (as seen in the photo)...all while also getting under my feet as I moved it to another room. Some day, I will have a normal dog. Until then, it is a good thing he is cute.
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