I haven't had any of my usual unusual dragonfly sightings. Kind of par for the course of how things have been lately. Until today. Kristi and I had to go shopping. While in the Christmas ornament aisle, she suddenly said "There's something you have to get". It was a sparkly dragonfly ornament. There were ones in bright pink and blue and purple. And then, there was a single gold sparkly dragonfly ornament...the only one, sitting there waiting to be plucked off the hook. It quickly went into my shopping cart.
I'm taking its appearance as a sign that things are starting to look up, that there is hope. It is now hanging on the wall directly above my desk. I may not know what the future holds. I'm not sure about anything in my life right now, let alone in the future. At least now, when I'm feeling lost, I can look at my dragonfly to remind me, that someone, somewhere is looking out for me.