I laughed when I found this picture online. I've always said training to be a faerygodmother begins early, especially when you have as many godchildren as I do...I'm not even sure how many I have. All I know is the number keeps growing and now also includes kittens and a very adorable Aussie puppy. (Don't laugh, they are easier than teenagers).
Despite various challenges, all my kiddos have good hearts...even though I'm still waiting for a couple to start using their brains...but I have faith it will come in time.
The other day it occurred to me I've been doing more time with the Cinderella routine (I was literally cleaning ashes out of the house hearth) than I have been being a Faerygodmother (this weekend excluded of course). So I thought to myself, as I was doing dishes and scrubbing floors, does this mean I get to have a faerygodmother of my own? Probably not, though if I do, she is out in Oregon so that doesn't really work. So, what does this mean?
Well, I guess it means I have to grant my own wishes. I think I've always known that. After all, my favorite childhood rhyme was Star light, Star bright...Of course to grant my own wishes, I have to figure out what I wish for upon the first evening star. So tonight, that is what I'm mulling over...what are the truest wishes in my heart? And then the catch, to remember to wish for the courage to go after them.
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