Friday, February 29, 2008

Lunch Break

I'm on break for lunch. I have New England Flora this afternoon. I should be prepping for the presentation Nia and I have to make. I'm not...I'm totally unmotivated right now. It's cold out, really, really cold; I'm tired and it is supposed to snow....again. The snow faery in PA is in sooooo much trouble. I'm seriously not amused. (Just you wait Dryad...I'll get you and your Monster Cat too).

Class this morning was interesting. We're discussing the transition from middle childhood to early adolescence. Interesting for me since that is part of the age group I work with. Any trick that helps me understand my evil spawn...I mean my kids better is most welcome. What I'm really interested in is what happens when a developmental stage is either missed or someone is pushed through them too fast by things in their lives. Alot of my kids are in that place. So how do we help them so they'll be okay now and in the future? It's really interesting material. Unfortunately, I'm so tired I can't keep a thought in my head for more than a couple of seconds.

I can't wait for spring break. Only one more week to go...and three projects & papers. I'll just keep thinking of all the days I can stay in my pj's reading with a big cup of coffee. Almost as good as a sunny beach in the tropics. Okay, I'm so tired I'm delusional. At least I'm still cute.

Off to present on sumac and bayberry. Do I know how to party or what?

1 comment:

LFSAlden said...

Three papers and projects in 1 week? Sounds like someone I know. Wait, it is someone I know.
Fear not, you're supposed to see a few hallucinations on Leap Day...