Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I just hopped on to see if anyone had left any comments, etc. Imagine my very happy surprise to have a comment from Dryad.
For you that don't know, she is a very dear friend who lives far away. It is very sad. She is also the co-faerygodmother for 2 of my godchildren. I haven't seen or heard from her since Yule 2006.
Happily, she is alive. This is a good thing since
1: She is a sweetheart, very witty, shares my love of sparklies (jewelry, books, men, etc.) and bakes like an angel (though she likes snow...strange but I love her anyways)


2: SHE gets the godchildren from 14 on (No complaining, I could hand them off at 12). I feel this is only fair since I got them through colic, terrible twos (okay, they weren't that terrible) and sundry other adventures (it's REALLY not my fault!). What can I say, they are my godchildren and as such, well let's just say all of my godchildren have inherited little personality "quirks" from me(Like I said, not my fault). Heavens help them.

So before I go back to homework...okay, I'll be honest, it was a snow day, I haven't started my homework yet, here is a shout out to Dryad. I've missed you!

AN: This should be fair warning to all my other friends. Your turn in the blog is coming! (Though bribes of chocolate and/or flowers will be accepted to keep you anonymous...a girls gotta do something to get spoiled) HEE!