Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life Lessons

As you know from an earlier blog, my best friend's dad died two weeks ago. It was both expected and unexpected. Losing him shook me up, but I found some measure of peace with it because I had enough warning that I could say goodbye to the man I had loved like a father for the past twenty five years.

Last night, I found out a member of RT Chapter 1 was killed in a motorcycle accident. She was about my age. I'd met her a few times and was looking forward to getting to know her better this weekend at the DC events. In a split second, any number of lives were altered. The email Doc sent out informing all of us, closed with a reminder to tell those we hold in our thoughts that we love them, and give them a hug.

You never know when your time or theirs will be up. We often put off telling people how much they mean to us and we shouldn't. So for all of you who read my blog, I love you. Here's your hug.